Monday, November 14, 2011

Peruvian Green Spaghetti (Fideos Verdes)

1 bundle of Basil,
1 bundle of Spinach,
2 Garlic cloves,
Salt, Pepper, Olive oil, Parmesan cheese (all to taste)

to make the green sauce: clean and blend the Basil and Spinach together
by adding Olive oil (about 3 ounces, just to make it blend),
then add the Salt, Pepper to taste.

make one pound of spaghetti, and rinse,
then mix with green sauce and add Parmesan cheese to taste.

The Peruvian green spaghetti can be served with steak, pan fried steak, or rotisserie chicken and grilled potatoes.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fish Tacos

ha! this Fish taco was made with Peruvian yellow chilies (except that we picked one that was not yellow yet) so that it didn't change the color of the sauce.

Peruvian Ceviche (Ceviche Peruano)

"Bote ceviche" as one of my friends called it. ;)
(serves 4 people)

1 lb of Fresh Sea Bass or Tilapia
2 Peruvian Yellow chilies.
2-3 green lemons
1 medium sized Red Onion
Cilantro, Salt, Pepper (to taste)
2-3 Corns
2-3 Sweet potatoes
3-4 leaves of Lettuce

Cook your sweet potatoes and corn and set aside.
Thinly slice the onion, and set in water with about 1 tea spoon of salt for 1 hour, then drain the water.
After that, slice or cube the fish, add salt and pepper to taste with the lemon juice.
Clean and finely chop the Peruvian chilies (if you do not want it too spicy, remove the veins as well) and mix all together.

To serve:
place a lettuce leave, cut your sweet potatoes, and corn in half and set on the side of the plate and
add the fish in the middle with the lemon juice, add the cilantro on top for decoration.

Do not let it sit for too long, you want to eat it almost right away, the lemon juice will cook the raw fish slightly.

Here is a link to other ceviche websites,
food network,

Peruvian Yellow chilies

This is the first time that we have successfully grown more than two of the Peruvian Yellow chilies. In the past the plants only grew small, gave one or two chilies and then died. With this little bunch we were able to make Causa Rellena, which is a smashed potato salad, filled with tuna, it was delicious. We also made Fish Tacos. In the past we were able to make Ceviche and Lomo saltado with the few yellow chilies we got.

This time we have added drip irrigation to the roots and now on the winter months, we are covering the plant so that the night cold does not kill it.

The seeds we collected are now growing new plants. They are still keep them in pots, and once they are big enough, we'll move them to the garden next to the original one.